3 Tell-Tale Signs of Boiler Problems at Home

People rarely give a second thought to their boilers at home, but when it starts to give out due to daily wear-and-tear, it can lead to costly consequences down the line. After all, a boiler plays a pivotal role in ensuring your living space stays comfortable throughout the changing seasons, so any issues that come up is highly inconvenient, especially during the colder months. 

Spotting the signs of a boiler malfunction can make all the difference between a home that’s cozy or cold due to a HVAC system failure, so knowing these red flags can help any homeowner address the issue before it’s too late. With that in mind, the list below should give a basic rundown on the warning signs that indicate your boiler is in dire need of a repair or replacement. 

Sign #1: Loud Noises 

A running boiler typically produces a low, humming sound that is easy to blend in the background, but it calls for your concern if you hear knocking, gurgling, whistling, and other noises that are out of the ordinary. 

It should serve as a loud signal that there’s an underlying issue with your boiler, which can point to several culprits. It’s best to call a professional heating engineer in this case for an inspection to avoid the problem from spiraling out of control. 

Sign #2: Odd, Unpleasant Odor 

Out of all the signs on the list, noticing unpleasant smells in your home is one of the most alarming red flags you need to know. This can permeat from your boiler system, which signals a possible gas leak. 

It’s a dangerous problem to deal with since it increases the carbon monoxide levels in the air, which can be highly poisonous to anyone who breathes this toxic gas. In this regard, you should switch off all your appliances, avoid triggering anything flammable, open all the windows, and call for an emergency repair service immediately. 

Sign #3: High Energy Consumption 

Some signs are easier to spot than others, but part of the silent killers that can steadily make a negative dent is the steady rise of energy consumption at home. A malfunctioning boiler will work harder to do its job, but even with all the effort on its part, its performance will still be subpar. 

Not to mention, an overworking boiler will cause electricity bills to rise up, especially when you notice a spike even during the warmer season. If your home is consuming more energy than usual, then it’s time to put a heating engineer on speed dial. 

The Bottom Line: Spotting the Red Flags that Indicate Boiler Problems in your Home 

Just like any appliance and systems at home, a boiler requires regular maintenance to ensure it’s in good working condition. It also helps to check up on it if your boiler is over ten-years-old since it may be close to reaching the end of its shelf life, but the signs above should help clue you in on any problems that require the help of a HVAC company. 

How Can We Help? 

Dealing with furnace heater problems can lead to costly consequences when left unattended, so get in touch with us at Air 1 LCC to get your HVAC system in good working order. We’re a reputable full-service heating and air conditioning company in Morris County that can offer quality furnace repair services. From residential to commercial equipment, we can handle it all for you!